
How to solve common problems

Limon fail to lookup a word, but I can find the word in another dictionary

Limon is young and miss lot of words. Please add the missing word by choosing New Definition... from the File menu.

I found an error in a defintion!

Double check the definition in other dictionaries, then fix the error by choosing Edit Definition... from the File menu.

Limon fail to lookup an Hebrew word with Nikud

Limon can find only English or Hebrew without Nikud terms. Retype the word without Nikud.

Limon fail to lookup a word, with a red "Translation failed" error message

This may happen if your internet connection was dropped or limon server is down. Try to access limon with a browser.

There is no "Define in Limon" item in the Services menu

If you haven't logged out since you installed Limon, it's possible that Mac OS X has not yet updated the Services menu. You can log out and log back in to update the Services menu.

The "Define in Limon" item in the Services menu is disabled

The menu item will only be enabled if you have some text selected in the active window. Some applications have a Services menu but do not yet support Services.

The ⌘= shortcut does not show in the Services menu

If the application already uses ⌘= for one of its own menus, it overrides the service shortcut. You can change the application shortcut key using Keyboard Shortcuts tab in System Preferences.

The ⌘= shortcut shows in the Services menu, but the application ignores it

Some applications like Mellel and Safari, use shortcut keys in a non standard way. You can change Limon shortcut key using Keyboard Shortcuts tab in System Preferences.

Limon stole the ⌘= shortcut from another service

If two services try to use the same shortcut key, the first service in the Services menu wins. You can change Limon shortcut key using Keyboard Shortcuts tab in System Preferences.